
Start AI

Struggling to kickstart your AI journey with a clear and structured approach?

Check if you are eligible for a 70% subsidy.

Follow the lead of
NLP Engineering - Wonka AI

Lay the foundation for your AI projects by discovering and prioritising impactful use-cases.

Inspire and Engage Teams

We kickstart your AI journey by inspiring your teams and organising brainstorming sessions to discover use-cases that are both practical and promising.

Comprehensive Use-case Discovery

Through collaborative sessions, we help you identify and prioritize the most promising AI use-cases for your business.

Clear Implementation Pathways

We provide a structured approach to exploring the best paths for implementing AI in your processes.

What Industry Leaders Say About working with Wonka AI

We're extending our partnership

With Wonka's expertise and commitment, we've not only built a secure, AI-powered environment but have also achieved a much more personalized user experience for surgeons worldwide.

Oliver Ignasi
CTO, AIS Channel
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Speed of delivery isn't just a promise

Tight deadlines aren't an issue for the Wonka team. Having previously worked with a multitude of competitors, it was refreshing to experience their unique combination of speed & quality.

Bernard Questiaux
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